Equipping women for Christian leadership.


What is the Women's

Leadership Institute?


The Women’s Leadership Institute (WLI) seeks to educate, encourage and embolden Christian women for exemplary leadership.

WLI provides educational resources, conferences, workshops, and scholarships to educate and develop capable and confident female leaders and equip them for a variety of service and leadership opportunities.

We help connect women of different experience levels, generations, and cultural backgrounds with one another and to quality mentors. In so doing, we encourage Christian women’s leadership and faith development in their home, church, workplace, and world.

Siebert-Conference 90

Educate, Encourage, Embolden!

WLI Values


Scripture-WLI values are shaped by the inerrant Word of God and in accordance with the teachings of the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod (LCMS).

Servant Leadership- As a servant institute of Concordia University Wisconsin (CUWAA), we promote leadership as servant-first, as modeled by Christ in the Scriptures.

Personal Growth - WLI strives to meet all women where they are to help them grow individually and communally in the love of Jesus Christ.

Exemplary Content - WLI works to present quality practical educational content in a variety of formats to embolden women to lead and serve in the spaces where God has called them.

Communication - WLI facilitates honest discussion about topics concerning all women. This is done through in person, on-line, and written forms of communication in a way that is intended to be accessible to as many people as possible.

Partnership - WLI seeks to foster collaboration between men and women in their spheres of influence, as well as other organizations within and outside the LCMS who will assist us in providing exemplary content and living out our values.

Relevance - WLI is informed and actively engaged in difficult and timely issues that impact Christian women.


Mentoring Workshop 

Growing Together: Let Your Mentoring Skills Take Shape is a 3-part inter-generational mentoring workshop designed by WLI as resource material to help re-frame mentoring for congregational settings.


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