Store: Dwelling 1:14
Showing 13–24 of 25 results
“Joining Jesus as a Family” ( 4 pack of books)
$68.00 Buy on Dwelling 1:14“Joining Jesus as a Family” ( 4 pack of books)
4 pack of books (pricing includes 10% discount and shipping)
$68.00 -
“Joining Jesus as a Family” (16 pack of books)
$225.00 Buy on Dwelling 1:14“Joining Jesus as a Family” (16 pack of books)
16 pack of books (pricing includes 20% discount and shipping)
$225.00 -
“Joining Jesus as a Family” (24 pack of books)
$288.00 Buy on Dwelling 1:14“Joining Jesus as a Family” (24 pack of books)
24 pack of books (pricing includes 30% discount and shipping)
$288.00 -
“Joining Jesus as a Family” (64 pack of books)
$646.00 Buy on Dwelling 1:14“Joining Jesus as a Family” (64 pack of books)
64 pack of books (pricing includes 40% discount and shipping)
$646.00 -
“Joining Jesus as a Family” (Audiobook)
$9.99 Buy on Dwelling 1:14“Joining Jesus as a Family” (Audiobook)
This product is the audiobook for “Joining Jesus as a Family.”
$9.99 -
“Joining Jesus as a Family” (E-book)
$9.99 Buy on Dwelling 1:14“Joining Jesus as a Family” (E-book)
Greg and Susan Finke identify what Jesus shows us in the gospels to help parents become more intentional and practical in raising Jesus-followers.
- What does it mean to “disciple” my own child?
- What are my parenting goals? Where do I want my child to end up?
- To lead my child there, how then shall I live?
- What is Jesus’ discipleship process?
- How can I weave Jesus’ discipleship process into the rhythm of my family’s everyday life?
This book is for anyone helping a child live the fruitful and fulfilling life of a Jesus-follower: parents, grandparents, foster parents, pastors, family ministry professionals and volunteers.
$9.99 -
“Joining Jesus as a Family” (Video Curriculum)
$99.00 Buy on Dwelling 1:14“Joining Jesus as a Family” (Video Curriculum)
Here is your video training curriculum for “Joining Jesus as a Family.” Consisting of 10 sessions, which are each four to eight minutes long, the curriculum leads participants through a process of discovery:
1) what does it mean to “disciple” my own child, and
2) how can I use those insights to craft a plan for discipling my child as part of our daily rhythm?
A link to the videos will be emailed to you after purchase. By purchasing the video curriculum you are given permission to make as many copies as you need for use within your congregation. However, you also agree to only use the videos within your congregation. Thank you for helping to protect Dwelling 1:14 by safeguarding the distribution of the videos.
$99.00 -
“Uniéndos a Jesús en su Misión” (E-book)
$9.99 Buy on Dwelling 1:14“Uniéndos a Jesús en su Misión” (E-book)
Un equipo de traductores dirigidos por el Reverendo Eloy González han producido el libro “Unirse a Jesús en Su Misión” en español. Traducido al Español Continental, el libro ha sido utilizado en México, Guatemala, Panamá, Colombia, Argentina, y por varios líderes Hispanos en los EEUU también.
“Unirse a Jesús En Su Misión” es un libro poderoso, práctico, y simple que lo hará a usted y su congregación no sólo pensar acerca de ser misioneros comunes sino como lanzar. Usted sentirá alivio y esperanza cuando adquiera conocimiento en como reconocer que Jesús ya está trabajando en su mundo cotidiano y al unirse a Él. Un bono Guía de Discusión se incluye en el libro también.
La compra incluye formatos digitales ePub y Mobi en un único archivo zip comprimido.
$9.99 -
“Uniéndose A Jesús En Su Misión” Libro ( 4 Libros)
$26.00 Buy on Dwelling 1:14 -
“Uniéndose A Jesús En Su Misión” Libro (16 Libros)
$94.00 Buy on Dwelling 1:14 -
“Uniéndose A Jesús En Su Misión” Libro (24 Libros)
$94.00 Buy on Dwelling 1:14 -
“Uniéndose A Jesús En Su Misión” Libro (30 Libros)
$165.00 Buy on Dwelling 1:14
Vendor Information
Vendor: Dwelling 1:14Company: Dwelling 1:14
Address: 489 Grand Hill , St. Paul, 55102, Minnesota, United States (US)
Store Category: Non-profit
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