

What do we do?


We are committed to bringing people to know Jesus.

Our goal is not only for you to be able to study God’s Word, but also give you a way to teach and share with other people. 

We pray God will bless your time in His Word! 

John and Dacia
33 Jesus took the man to one side, away from the crowd. He put his fingers into the man’s ears. Then he spit and touched the man’s tongue. 34 Jesus looked up to heaven. With a deep sigh, he said to the man, “Ephphatha!” That means “Be opened!” 35 The man’s ears were opened. His tongue was freed up, and he began to speak clearly.


Dedicated to Ministry

Rev Dr John Reinke and his wife, Dacia, have partnered together in Outreach for more than 35 years. God has guided them to live and work around the U.S. and in many countries around the world. Today we are able to expand our training to include access online. Our materials are designed to used by Christians throughout the world!

Because many people do not have a foundation in God’s Word we begin with the basics. We have a way to share God’s Word that takes these huge topics and shares them in a visual easy to learn format. We want to make God’s Word visual and focusing on the stories. This is easy for people to learn and it is easy for you to share.

On our website, you will also notice many of our materials are signed. In our outreach we are also preparing our materials to reach Deaf people and their families.  Why?? Deaf Outreach is huge! 98% of Deaf people do not believe in Jesus. Working with Deaf people we have developed training materials called ABCD – A Bible Curriculum Deaf. The ABCD materials are for Deaf people to learn God’s Word and share it with their family and friends.  (But these also work great for hearing people!!)

Please pray for us and for God to touch the hearts and lives of ALL people and their families – we want everyone to in Heaven with us!!

Please share our materials.  Let us know what would be helpful for you!  Contact us through the page on our website.  Please include if you know Deaf people – someone who signs – or have a heart for Deaf Outreach.

We thank God for His Grace, Love, and Forgiveness!!

Give to God ALL the Glory!!