The Great Sending Book


The Great Sending brings together 42 brief devotional Bible studies written by well-known and respected leaders in the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod (LCMS) to challenge and encourage Christians and Christian congregations everywhere to understand and participate in the sending nature and activity of God more fully.

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The disciples in the first century AD excelled in the multiplication and growth of the Word, as recorded in the Book of Acts. By contrast, the church in the twenty-first century appears to be evading Christ’s sending, experiencing decline rather than growth. Today’s church is short of breath, too weak to move out of its comfort zone of preoccupation with itself, and too complacent to venture into evangelical territory while continuing to strive for its purity of doctrine. Programs don’t work. Old mindsets and habits prevail. The church as we know it today is dying missionally, drowning in indolence and apathy. It is therefore in urgent need of an intense and invasive treatment: a deep dive into God’s Word for the sending of God (Missio Dei) into the world.

The Great Sending brings together 42 brief devotional Bible studies written by well-known and respected leaders in the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod (LCMS) to challenge and encourage Christians and Christian congregations everywhere to understand and participate in the sending nature and activity of God more fully.


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